EAS Learning Journey
The School Administration Team visited the Green Lab Singapore on 3rd June, where we learned about their pioneering efforts in sustainability. We were introduced to Green Lab's mission to become a one-stop provider for sustainable solutions and their latest innovation, the Casaa 180™, a plant-based biodegradable bag. The tour offered us a glimpse into their production line, showcasing how the bags, as well as products such as compostable food-grade containers and even books, were made. The session ended with us making our very own Bioplastic bowl as a souvenir to take home.
Mdm Rohayah Bte Sarpin, our Operations Support Officer, offered the following insight on the session:
"I caught a behind-the-scenes glimpse of how businesses are working towards a more sustainable future. The session also reminded us that there is no replacement for our planet Earth and we should do our part to preserve it."